Meet With Me

Request a FREE Discovery Session

This 60 minute online or in person meeting will allow us to narrow down which specific issue you would like to address as well as answer any of your questions regarding your appointment or the RTT method.

Just fill out this form and I will then contact you to schedule your free Discovery Session!

You will also be sent a Discovery Session Questionnaire to prepare you for our visit so we can get right to work during your session time.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
— Earl Nightingale

Have you been searching for a way to help your employees lower and reset their stress levels? Or increase their self confidence to enhance performance? I offer different yoga, mindset training, and group hypnosis sessions for businesses!

Whether you’re looking to lower the stress of your staff or wanting to motivate them and build their confidence, I will put together a session tailored for your group’s specific needs. Fill out this form briefly describing your group and I will contact you within two business days.
